I've just arrived at my hotel for tonight in Heraklion - Hotel Rea, it's nothing fantastic, just a simple cheap place to stay for the night. Complete with bed, showers (not all hot...), breakfast and the suprising bonus of free wifi - so I'm making use of it whilst I can!
I arrived in plenty of time for my flight from Leeds Bradford (Thanks Helen!), and after stumping up an extra 16 quid because my bag was overweight, I proceed through security, sure enough as soon as I walk through the gates all sorts of lights start flashing and sirens go off. After a thorough examiniation I convince security I'm not a terrorist and they let me through. Apparently the studs in my jeans set off the alarms.
By the time I get in to the lounge area, we're told our gate will be announced "shortly", only to be then told it's going to be delayed by an hour. Not a big issue, I grab a Pear Cider and a sandwich from the bar, and watch a couple of episodes of 2 and a half men on my laptop.
The fight goes pretty smoothly, until I reach baggage reclaim, and discover that somehow the great big converyor belt monster has eaten my sleeping bag, which was straped to my backpack - must have been quite delicate too, the straps are neatly folded back up. I hang around until verything has come out and check lost & found with no luck. Ah well - It could be worse, it could have been my tent!
So I'm gonna get my head down now, don't have much to do tomorrow except get over to Rethymno, and maybe replace my sleeping bag. I'm gonna dream about my first Mythos, and first Gyros of the trip!
Glad to see that Myrtle caught the plane too. Did he enjoy his first flight? Hope he didn't loose any baggage! Enjoy! Sue