Sunday, 4 July 2010

Wildlife on Camp

No, I don't meant the volunteers.

For the nature geeks like me, there is a fair bit of wildlife around camp at times. As well as the mosquitoes, flies, spiders etc, there's some really cool stuff.

Eleanora's Falcon

These amazing birds visit the camp in early and late summer, usually just as it is starting to get dark. This photo is terrible, but they are fantastic to watch. they are supreme aerial acrobats, they fly around camp chasing after flying bugs - which they then devour whilst airborne.

Sardinian Warblers & Goldfinches

We have an abundance of small birds around camp, mostly finches and warblers. The above photo shows a Goldfinch on her nest - we were lucky enough to see 3 chicks being fed here - although there has been something of a tragedy, when they took their first flight, they were soon gobbled up by some of the local stray cats! The below photo is a photo of a young Sardinian Warbler, these have been very successful, they have avoided the cats, and I think their are about 4 young ones being constantly fed by busy parents.

Long-eared Owl

This bird has been causing problems on camp since we got here - especially in the early days when it was just a fledgling. It is very, very loud, and can be a little startling when you first hear it! It has got much quieter now though, and we don't hear it every night. The above photo was taken by Alex Boudey.


You have to be a little bit careful whilst on camp, these tiny little scorpions are hiding in all sorts of places, under logs, in the shower, in people's bags! So you have to be careful, whilst they are not dangerous, they can give you a bit of a sting!

Balkan Green Lizard

These guys are cool - the green one's are the males, the females are a drab grey colour. I usually can see one whenever sat in my tent. They have, though, also taken a bit of a bashing from the family of cats too!

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